Conflict Resolution

Create Win-Wins!

A good measure of conflict in any workplace is necessary for transformation of a business and a key to success. However if conflict is not managed appropriately it can have a significant effect in your team environment and business results. Learn how to manage conflict and not sweep it under the carpet. Conflict is not an issue to be ignored and has a way of returning with the potential of damaging work relationships and productivity in your business.

How do you react to conflict in the workplace? People can come into conflict situations when they have different opinions about issues. In a workplace it could be supporting a certain strategy, a project team decision or allocation of budget. Learn the steps to better prepare yourself armed with the right strategies to turn a conflict situation into a constructive one.

Are there dominant personalities in your workplace? Learn to identify and deal with difficult people, conversations and situations. Pat Stanley training will teach you communication techniques in order to deal effectively with these personalities and barriers. Ensuring positive communication, promoting active listening and various problem solving skills.

A training course in conflict is fundamental tool for individuals, supervisors and managers. Pat Stanley and her team of learning experts will increase student’s skills and knowledge to ensure they immediately implement and manage conflict effectively in their workplace. Enhancing an individual’s confidence and working towards stronger communication skills, recognising and reacting strategically to conflict situations.

This course is an excellent addition to increase your personal development and add to your resume. With over fifteen years as a trainer, Mentor and Coach Pat Stanley will equip you with the tools and strategies to identify and manage workplace conflict. Interactive in style this conflict training program involves active student participation, scenarios, group work and evaluation activities.

Pat Stanley training combines essential real life experience with engaging practical learning and a results orientated approach. The key to successful student outcomes and professional development.

Effective conflict management is regarded as a core capability for managers and supervisors. With the workplace being an ever changing environment, managers and supervisors are required to adapt, design and implement new conflict strategies to support the development of the workplace.

The conflict training course explores the importance of coaching managers to identify the causes of conflict. Learning various strategies for managing conflict at a business, team and personal level.

Sharing her practical industry insights and insightful advice. Pat Stanley will have you mastering the art of conflict resolution in a student centred practical approach. Practicing conflict resolution techniques in a group setting environment.

Choose to upscale your business’s staff, our conflict training program can be delivered in-house anywhere within Australia. Alternatively our training programs are run across the calendar year at our office in Brisbane.

We can guide individuals or businesses towards their personal success and find a solution that meets career objectives. Contact our learning specialist team at Pat Stanley via email at or telephone (07) 55466261

Get in touch today to learn more